
Zutara Week 2014, Socks - A Minisaga

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IllioWorks's avatar

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This is their family.
And unfortunately those are her brother’s socks.

Sokka’s socks.
Sokka’s throw-yourself-in-front-of-Spirit-Monster-Aang socks.
Sokka’s send-me-to-Koh’s-Lair-now socks.

He glares.
She grins.

He reaches down, puts them in to sud.
“You’re lucky I love you” he mutters.
Socks. The day six prompt is... Socks.

Lets play the Avatar word association game!

What's the first ATLA thing you think of when someone says socks? That would be Sokka, and his socks of DOOM!.

So after yesterday's deep villanelle here's a cutesy minisaga to lighten you right up. Again, a minisaga is a poem with a fifty words word limit. The in the day two minisaga, the hyphen served to turn blue-eyed into a single word, here it is not meant to. Go ahead and count. It's exactly fifty. :D

As always, comments welcome!

Zutara Week 2014

Day 1: Melancholy 

Day 2: Jubilant

Day 3: Motorcycle

Day 4: Cobalt Blue

Day 5: Unrequited 

Day 6: Socks (You are here! :D (Big Grin))

Day 7: Slow Dancing
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